Cold Mountain

I’m not going to lie, when I saw we  were reading a book about the civil war I was unsure if I would be able to stay interested. Usually, I can’t stand to read war books. History is typically not my thing. However, Cold mountain by Charles Frazier put a creative spin on the novel that kept me more than interested. His language was intensely vivd. The description allowed me to truly imagine and feel what the author was creating on each page of the story. Like many of you, I also felt that there was to many details and imagery at times. Although, I rather an author be to descriptive vs the story be lacking and boring.

While reading the novel it was made clear to0 me that Inman is a force to be reckoned with. He is not your average person and he wanted more as he was caught staring through the window imagining himself being on the other side. He had hope but faith is what got him on the other side of that window where he talked to the blind man. Inman is a bold creature. He says whats on his mind and doesn’t always have a filter. In fact I was caught off guard when he said “who put your eyes out”. I think my heart dropped a little. As they continue their chat, Inman pops the question, if you had the chance to see again would he ? But the blind man answers no, because he wouldn’t want to grow hateful. After reading his answer, I paused for a moment and thought about what I had just read. It had occurred to me that we has humans take for granted the everyday things we have the privilege to experience like the ability to see. we wake up in the morning, open our eyes and get on with our day, but how often do we take the time to appreciate it. just something to think about.

Throughout the novel I noticed the reoccurring theme of both bravery and strength within Inman and Ada. Inman was alone on his journey and adventure. He had no choice but to be tough and to persevere. I could not Imagine going through all that Inman did. The war showed him things that many of us will never see. He’s seen death and pure hatred. He’s seen things that he will never be able to erase from his memory. However, he continued to be strong and brave through all the trials he had to face which is something we all can learn to do. Keep going. Even when times get hard and all you want to do ism give up, don’t. As for Ada, she also had testing and difficulties to over come. When I read that her father had died my heart broke for her. I could not imagine losing my mom or dad and my heart goes out to anyone who has. She was completely alone and left with depression. She had to struggle to get food and had to learn how to live on her own and most of the time had no one to talk to. But she found it within herself to stay driven and to maintain strength and bravery. In my opinion, Ada was a girl with a back bone.

Through Ada and Inman’s difficult times, I think that they were both blessed to have guidance by others to help show them wisdom and to keep their spirits lifted. Inman had the privilege of meeting the gypsies who cared for him and showed him compassion throughout his tough journey. They were simply kind hearted people that made a difference. As for Ada she met Ruby, who is also kind hearted. She was their for Ada and gave her guidance and support. she even helped her make a living and taught her how to live on her own. However, Ruby was more strict and was no push over, but she did care about Ada and her future.

By the time I was finished reading this book, I had discovered that not all war books are bad, stick to the challenge that you are meant to over come, and that we are never truly alone. Sometimes you just have to look around you to see all that you have.


From the moment I began reading Mudbound By Hillary Jordan, it captured my heart. I found that throughout the book there was never a dull moment. I’ve  noticed that many of you love how the characters have there own individual story, well so did I. It made the book come to life since I was able to see all of the different perspectives. The character that caught my attention the most was Laura. At first I thought her roll  may be dull and boring, but to my surprise, I found that she is in fact the opposite. She was quiet but yet outspoken. Although at times she may have feared it, she would speak her mind and stand up for what she thought was right. I also love  how she looked at things with a different out look than most people. She’s her own person with a different imagination.

For instance, in Laura’s chapter on page 18, She had recently just met Henry. It is made known that they are enjoying each others company, but also show curiosity for the person beside them. within the text, Henry and Laura stroll beneath the Dogwoods as they bloom. As they continue in conversation, Henry mentions how pretty the trees are. Suddenly, Laura makes a bold statement comparing them to the suffering of Christ. This catches Henry off guard and he strolls in confusion. However to Laura’s liking he admits his lack of understanding. she explains to him how the marks on the flower looks like bloody nail holes on each petal.

I’ll admit once I had read page 18, the novel had captured me. I truly admire Laura for being able to look at something in nature and have a completely different perspective on it. Many of us get stuck in our same old routines and ways, and look right past all the beauty in this amazing world. I also had a proud moment for Laura because I thought it was bold of her to share her perspective with a person she had just met, especially it being a comparison to christ. This also reinforced that she is not afraid to speak up and to be true to herself. Although, I would consider this to be Henry’s and Laura’s honey moon phase, as it is known that their love for each other begins to fade later in the novel, I love the atmosphere that the author has created in the beginning of the book. It is filled with passion,curiosity, love, and a since of purity.

Laura shows her strength and outgoingness again when her, Henry, and the children are moving into the farm house, and feels as if her life is a chaotic mess. Although she stays quiet for a while, eventually she’s had enough with pappy’s complaining and smart remarks, specifically about the sleeping arrangements. Laura stands up for her self and tells pappy to back off and exclaims to Henry that it better not continue to be an issue.

I think that Laura discovers the internal conflict she is battling with herself and all of the changes taking place but also the conflicts she discovers with Henry. Within the novel there are many times where I suspect she feels abandon by her husband. Although he is not always against her, he also never seems to be for her either. I think she begins to wonder what happened to the person she was with strolling beneath the dogwoods that surrounded her with pure love. Although their love begins to break as Laura gets pregnant and Jamie is the father, and though she may feel lost at times, I think Mudbound allowed Laura to speak her mind. It empowered her to take a stand. She was able to discover that even though she is a woman, she is worth just as much as any man that walks the earth. We as human beings are all worth it and we all deserve equality. I find Laura’s story and point of view inspiring. Although, she may not have always been in the right or made the best decisions, it also shows that no one is perfect. We all need to learn to accept each other for who they are, whether black, white, man, women, or any of the other thousands of differences we all share. The things that make us different are the same things that can connect a bond between us. Those differences allow us to learn from each other and to grow as human beings.




About Me

Hey there peeps!

My name is Brittney and I can’t say I’ve ever blogged before but I’m pretty excited. I was born in Maryland but have lived in West Virginia for the past 11 years. Recently I have discovered that reading and writing has become a wonderful tool for me to use to express myself. Not only does it let me escape from reality but it allows me to learn more about who I am and who I want to be. I’ve decided to take this summer and senior year as an opportunity to discover who i am as a person.  I personally think we all owe it to ourselves to take opportunities, speak our minds, take a chance, chase after what you want and dream for, and most importantly to love yourself for you. Why wait around when there’s a whole world waiting on you?